how are you ?
I was CEO of Chronicle Solutions from 2006 to early 2007. The flagship product is netReplay, a Network Content Appliance that captures, indexes and replays all user communications in real-time. This blog reflects my interest in that area.
We have a couple of situations recently that have raised an interesting issue.
Survey Reveals High Level of Employee Communication Risks
These days electronic communications have become the predominant method of communication in the work environment and offer significant benefits. However, an inability to control the use of IM, MSN and webmail has led to many organisations blocking their usage.
Such fears are justified by the high numbers of those who use IM and webmail at work to discuss work matters with friends and relatives – meaning vital information could be leaked and laws related to information protection and publication breached. More worrying still for organisations are the 36% who use such technologies to liaise with business contacts, including clients and partners. Anything stated in such communications cannot be proven or centrally accessed, meaning disagreements cannot be effectively resolved – and again the organisation could find itself facing legal charges from which it cannot defend itself.
The risk of facing accusations, either from internal or external sources is high – with a staggering 43% stating that they have received IMs and web mails that they were upset or offended by. In cases of sexual harassment, racism and sexism the organisations HR department may find it is unable to resolve the complaint and thus facing legal action itself.
We think it is becoming increasingly necessary for organisations to grasp the nettle of employee use of IM, web mail, gmail and other non-official methods of communication from work. Blocking may seem like an easy solution, and may have been accepted 3 or 4 years ago, but these technologies have also proven themselves to be invaluable in the workplace, and a must-have way of communicating for the internet generation.
The only effective way for organisations to protect themselves and their employees in the future is by monitoring such communications while clearly stating that to employees. And this ultimately benefits employees as anyone who has had to report a case of harassment to their HR function or has undergone an internal or legal examination based on what may have been exchanged on email, web mail or IM will be able to testify.
Nick Kingsbury
October 30th 2006
Chronicle Solutions and Crisp Thinking Announce New Technology to Respond to Government Call for Effective Measures to Deal with Rise in Cyber Bullying
We are nice. We mix with other nice people. We are too nice.
Chronicle's netReplay product is the world’s first Enterprise-class Network Content Appliance, that in real-time monitors, captures and text indexes all user communications including email, web mail, IM, blogs and VoIP.
netReplay offers a unified approach where all types of digital communication are monitored and stored in a single system. netReplay
handles previously un- manageable volumes of data and allows user communication to be replayed as the user saw it, and allows suspect content to be visually tracked, and traced.
Customers are in medium and large highly regulated industries and government where netReplay helps mitigate risks and aids compliance with regulations on the recording of communication, and eDiscovery.